I created a painting series collaborating with an AI robot to create a series of painting investigating what AI is in art, what problems in our culture and environment is will solve and create.
I believe the key to our survival is cooperation.
"Seek Yourself First."
An podcast exploring the process of learning how to ask questions of self awareness to reveal who you truly are. I want to help humans more freely and truly express who they are to know what they want to define their own happiness, and find peace.
Somewhere between Hunter S. Thompson and Alan Watts, with a splash of Morrison.
A collection of essays articulating my thoughts on culture, art, AI, futurism and ethics.
After my naval service ended, I decided to learn to tell stories on my feet. I began a journey as an actor. Eventually, I retired in 2018 after a wonderful and rewarding career with several projects of note.
However, the most important lesson of my career was learning to understand the "hero's journey" as defined by Joseph Campbell, and why every story can have meaning when it's told effectively.
I started my podcast @alternativeancestors on Spotify, Apple etc. and started coaching people asking "Who am I" in a transitional period of life.
When you decide the life you were told to achieve doesn’t bring you peace; I help ask the right questions to understand how to live a life for no one else but you.
After graduating from the US Naval Academy, I served as a Surface Warfare Officer, Force Protection Officer and as an Oceanography officer before I resigned my commission as a Lieutenant in 2005.
I was part of the first deployed Expeditionary Strike Group in the Middle East onboard the USS OGDEN, LPD-5 in response to the attacks of 9/11.
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Do you need PEACE?
I help people change their relationship with their thoughts and feelings so they can find peace no matter what their circumstances.
Through a 6 week container that rewires how you react to stress.